Hope with Hannah
The "No Mess" Recabites
In the year of 2025, I believe we will embark upon a season of “extreme holiness
required”. We will no longer test God’s patience as Christians. We will no longer be satisfied with the “Me + Jesus” mentality. We will need to boldly consecrate our lives to solely be about our Father’s business. We can only live our lives with Jesus at the center—Jesus at the top of all things. John 13 says this in verse 3 “Jesus knew that the Father had given him authority over everything and that he had come from God and would return to God. So he got up from the table, took off his robe, wrapped a towel around his waist, and poured water into a basin…” He proceeded to wash his disciples’ feet. He knew and understood his authority and this is what he chose to do with it. Wash others. Later in the same chapter, Jesus tells his disciples to wash each others’ feet in the same way he washed each of them as an example. So, in following the example of Jesus, we are to "symbolically" wash one another’s feet in the Body of Christ.
There are many different ways that God gives us to “wash” each other. Laundry is one way we can “wash" our family or loved ones. (If you can’t wash their physical feet, you can at least wash their socks!) Speaking words of life and healing can minister to the heart, which is another clear and simple way to serve and nurture the hearts of people. Words flow like healing springs when led by the Holy Spirit as they come from the word of God. These are just a couple of ways to “wash” others, and as you are reading I am sure you have already thought of many more not listed here. The catch is, that we cannot wash our brothers and sisters in Christ without first being made clean by Jesus himself and being set apart for him and by him. Before washing Peter’s feet in response to Peter’s protest, Jesus said, “Unless I wash you, you won’t belong to me.” (John 13:8 NLT) This is the setting apart and being made clean process. After washing their feet, Jesus told his disciples, “And since I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash each other’s feet. I have given you an example to follow, Do as I have done to you.” (John 13:14-15 NLT) Perhaps your process of being set apart and made clean by Jesus is only beginning. Wherever you are in your walk, let him do his work in you as you first submit to him and his word.
What I have described to you as the process of being set apart and being purified or made clean by Jesus is not a one-time thing. The deeper you go, the narrower the path becomes. Matthew 7:13-14 tells us “You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.” My friend, I want to tell you that there is no other way but narrow if you want to walk with God and if you so desire and long to go deeper with him. You will have to be willing to narrow down your life’s engagements and activities quite a bit, as well as being very specific about your circle of friends and associates, belongings, and more. The deeper you go, the higher the calling, and the greater the blessing of God in your life.
As the scriptures read, this is the path that leads to life. There is an example that comes to mind in the Bible of a family called the Recabites found in Jeremiah chapter 35. In obedience to their ancestor Jehonadab, none of them ever touched a drink of wine—a strict order. In that instruction were laid out a few other absolutes for how they were to live. This family line lived in strict obedience and devotion to that word given to them by their devout forefather. The prophet Jeremiah found this out when he met with them privately in the Temple and then blessed them with a word of prophecy that someone in that family line would always be able to serve God.
At this time I would like to release to you the word of the Lord I received for sharing
publicly what season God is bringing us into next as the Body of Christ in my sphere of
“You must consecrate your families and households. You will need to be recognizably
mine. NO questions asked. You will need to be distinguished and set apart with "no mess".
The requirement is holiness. You will need to be like the Recabites with no wine. You
will need to be recognizably mine. You will need to be no mess required.”
Jeremiah 35:13-17 says this: “This is what the Lord, the God of Heaven’s Armies, the God of Israel, says: Go and say to the people in Judah and Jerusalem, ‘Come and learn a lesson about how to obey me. These Recabites do not drink wine to this day because their ancestor Jehonadab told them not to. But I have spoken to you again and again, and you refuse to obey me. Time after time I sent you prophets, who told you, ‘Turn from your wicked ways, and start doing things right. Stop worshiping other gods so that you might live in peace here in the land I have given to you and your ancestors.’ But you would not listen to me or obey me. The descendants of Jehonadab son of Recab have obeyed their ancestor completely, but you have refused to listen to me.
Therefore, this is what the Lord God of Heaven’s Armies, the God of Israel, says: ‘Because you refuse to listen or answer when I call, I will send upon Judah and Jerusalem all the disasters I have threatened.’”
In the prophetic word, God gave me to write to you all is “no wine”. As for me, I take this literally. To me, it is a practical way to remove the stench of the world from my life and be recognizably God’s daughter. I don’t live for anything else but him. It reminds me of an active-duty soldier who needs to be sober in order to be on the mission field. That is what this call is about. When you come into Christ, you are automatically enlisted in God’s army.
But are you fit for active duty?
Are you willing to answer the call to come up higher? This is that call. Deeper, higher, narrower. We are accountable for how we answer. This season we will need to make choices to set ourselves apart from the world in a very concentrated way. Remove all stench of the world so that God can make us into a pleasing aroma to his nostrils.
I urge you brothers and sisters in Christ, to remove all stench of sin and unholiness from your life and begin to walk forward in a concentrated, poignant season of consecration. Become a pleasing aroma unto the Lord our God. There is work to be done. As written in 2 Kings 10, Jehonadab son of Recab was invited by Jehu (anointed as the new king by the prophet, in place of Ahab) to come up into his chariot and ride with him until Jehu took down and killed everyone who was left there in Samaria from Ahab’s family. The chapter goes on to describe the distinguishing of worshipers of Baal so they could get rid of all of them too, in a surprise attack inside their temple, organized by Jehu.
After riding with Jehu to kill the whole family of Ahab and all Baal worshipers, destroying the sacred pillar and wrecking the temple of Baal, I would imagine that Jehonadab had some strong convictions for his family in how to live in such a way for future generations to not have to fight the same fight. Jeremiah 35:5 says, “I set cups and jugs of wine before them and invited them to have a drink, but they refused. ‘No’,
they said, ‘ we don’t drink wine, because our ancestor Jehonadab son of Recab gave us this command: ‘You and your descendants must never drink wine.” In verses 13-14 Jeremiah begins to prophesy about the Recabites saying, “This is what the Lords of Heaven’s Armies, the God of Israel, says: Go and say to the people in Judah and Jerusalem, ‘ Come and learn a lesson about how to obey me. The Recabites do not drink wine to this day because their ancestor Jehonadab told them not to. But I have spoken to you again and again, and you refuse to obey me.” The problem with the Israelites was always their unwillingness to stop worshiping other gods and having idols like the surrounding peoples. The descendants of Jehonadab son of Recab pleased God. So Jeremiah prophesied again saying, in verse 18 “This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, the God of Israel, says: ‘You have obeyed your ancestor Jehonadab in every respect, following all his instructions.’ Therefore, this is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, the God of Israel, says: “Jehonadab son of Recab will always have descendants who serve me.’”
Are there things in your life that God is telling you it's time to surrender? Have you been
holding back in a certain area that God wants you to let go? This is your call to action! It is time
to release whatever you have been holding onto and lay down whatever you have been carrying.
Unforgiveness? Forgive. Control? Let it go. Fear? Trust in the Lord and obey his commands.
Holding onto any of those things is only going to hurt you. Bitterness lies. And so do fear, worry, and control. They don’t tell you any of the truth that God’s word says. Lay down the pornography, and put away the alcohol, in fact, throw it all out. It is not a part of your future. God is.
Make room for more of Him. Let him draw you deeper. He has good plans for you.
A Note from the Editor
In this article, Hannah boldly invites us to embrace holiness—challenging us to cast aside everything that hinders our journey along the highway of holiness, the straight and narrow path. Strong’s definition of "42 /hagiōsýnē" captures Holiness perfectly: it’s “the brand” of God’s sanctification, this divine gift that empowers us to fully experience eternal life both now and in the age to come.
Salvation ignites a fire within us through God’s Spirit, marking us with His unmistakable brand. And His Holiness isn’t just a nice concept; it’s the remarkable gift of sanctification—a treasure we didn’t earn and can’t buy, but that we’re invited to unwrap every single day. This gift allows us to live out the vibrant kingdom life that flourishes within us and radiates out into the world.
Embracing holiness means a radical and intentional letting go of anything that doesn't reflect God’s character and calling. He is good, He is clean, He is pure, He is holy—and He beckons us to become like Him, to mirror His holiness, and invite others into the profound love that washes away the grime of sin.
He came to serve, and there’s a revolutionary beauty in the way His holiness plunges
our lives into the depths of God's cleansing love.
This is not just a call to moral living; it’s a rallying cry to transform ourselves and the world around us through the incredible power of His love.
Imagine the impact we can make when we fully embrace this reality!
"And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all. For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many." Mark 10:44-45
Daughters of Destiny, RTR invites you to REFUSE any cup the enemy sits before you.
Leave a legacy of radical obedience, and follow the voice of the Lord alone.

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After reading Hannah's article, I was taken to Daniel chapter 3. The Hebrew boys went into the fire fully clothed, turbans and all. They came out without the smell of the fire on them. The fire had no power over them. Jesus said You will have tribulation, but take cheer. I have overcome the world. John 16:33. The overcoming that brings you through the fire unscathed calls for a life of consecration (being set apart), devotion, and refusing to bow to idols. You can come out of trauma, despair, hopelessness without the smell of smoke. Shadrach and friends are an example of refusing the stench of the world.
"The problem with the Israelites was always their unwillingness to stop worshiping other gods and having idols like the surrounding peoples." Let's us not be like the Israelite in their waywardness. I say YES Lord to no wine and removing the stench so I may be a pleasing aroma to Him!